Home insurance dedicated to CROUS accommodation

Etudassur, a specialist in student home insurance, has designed tailor-made accommodation insurance for CROUS residences to meet the specific needs of this type of accommodation, at the fairest possible price!

Why take out CROUS home insurance from €2.71/month?

Home insurance covers tenants if they cause damage to third parties (landlords, neighbours, etc.) or in the event of damage to their accommodation (fire, water damage, theft, etc.).

Students renting CROUS accommodation are obliged to take out insurance.

CROUS home insurance is also a way of preventing certain risks inherent in the accommodation and the insured party’s personal belongings inside their student accommodation, such as theft or vandalism.

If you do not have insurance, you must bear the full financial consequences of any damage you cause to others. However, there are certain situations in which it may not be possible to cover a claim, particularly if the insured person is negligent or causes damage intentionally.

When it comes to student home insurance, you need to pay close attention to the extent of cover: depending on the insurance company and the package, some damage is not systematically covered, even with CROUS multi-risk home insurance.

Third-party liability, which covers risks in the event of damage caused by the insured party, is a perfect illustration of the different levels of protection offered by home insurance: some plans cover only rental risks vis-à-vis the owner of the property or the building (damage caused by fire, explosion or water damage). On the other hand, certain damage to the home or building is not covered (e.g. theft of computer equipment, glass breakage, vandalism, etc.). That’s why it’s important to be vigilant, and to check all the guarantees included in student housing contracts.ement covered, even with CROUS multi-risk home insurance.

What guarantees are useful to include in a contract?

In addition to the rental risk guarantee – compulsory insurance! This cover is the minimum you should have, and must be automatically included in your contract, whatever it may be, here are some essential guarantees:

  • Comprehensive third-party liability

In addition to rental risk cover (or tenant’s liability), we strongly advise you to take out student insurance that includes personal liability cover, as well as recourse cover for neighbors and third parties.

CROUS home insurance with personal liability covers you against property damage and bodily injury caused by you or your family to third parties in the course of your private life. It covers you at school if you’re doing an internship or summer job.

  • Neighbours’ and third parties’ recourse” cover protects you against damage caused to neighbours or third parties and originating in your student accommodation (e.g. fire). This cover, if included in CROUS home insurance, also applies to people for whom you are responsible and things belonging to you or in your care.
  • In addition to all these guarantees, your policy should include 24/7 assistance, which works when you are at home, away on business or abroad. This cover allows you, for example, to call on emergency service providers (locksmith, plumber, etc.) with insurance-approved rates to avoid unpleasant surprises.
  • Finally, damage. In addition to the risks of fire, water damage and explosion (with regard to your landlord, but also to third parties), here are a number of guarantees that are not compulsory, but which are useful to include in a CROUS home insurance policy:
    • Broken glass
    • Travelling Stay
    • Natural disasters
    • Climatic events (storms, hail, snow, etc.)
    • Defence costs

(the coverages below are included in the Etudassur “XXL” package)

  • Electrical damage
  • Theft/vandalism
  • Insect control for bed bugs
  • Loss of home keys
  • Bicycle theft
  • Strike (preventing you from sitting your exams)


The advantages of the CROUS formula


dès 2,70€ par mois*


dès 2,70€ par mois*
Plafond mobilier
4 500 €


Water damage

Natural disasters

Climatic events

Rental liability

Private and school civil liability

En option (Recommandé)
* tarif pour une résidence CROUS sans l’option RC.

Guarantees designed for CROUS

Our special CROUS home insurance is based on a very simple idea


No frills!

Just the cover you need to protect your CROUS accommodation!

Similarly, the ceilings and excesses for this package are tailored to your CROUS accommodation.


Easy subscription

Taking out our home insurance is simple and can be done in just a few clicks. All you need is the name of your student residence, the number of rooms in your accommodation and a few minutes of your time.


Easy contract management

Once you have taken out a policy, you will receive an e-mail with your login details for your personal area, where you can manage your policy, report claims, renew your policy or simply stay in touch with our services.

Need a little more peace of mind?
Subscribe to the private life and school liability option.
With our formula:

the private and school civil liability option

Whether you're studying, doing a work placement or going about your day-to-day business, you'll be protected at all times with up to 10 million euros!
Looking for superior cover?

Discover our other student accommodation packages!

At Etudassur, we understand the challenges students face when living in CROUS residences.

That’s why we’re committed to providing you with home insurance that not only meets your needs but accompanies you throughout your university career. Protect your home today with Etudassur.


In addition to rental risk cover, it is advisable to take out at least a number of other types of cover. Firstly, personal civil liability and recourse cover for neighbours or third parties.

In CROUS home insurance, glass breakage and theft or vandalism cover are also strongly recommended.

Among the (often) optional cover, it is advisable to take out assistance cover and to insure certain valuable items (such as computer equipment).

The price of student insurance depends on a number of criteria (size of accommodation, age of building, town and level of security). However, Etudassur does not take these criteria into account, to ensure that everyone is equally insured.

You must be under 28 when you first apply for accommodation and still be studying if you are over 28 when you take out your CROUS home insurance.

This age limit may also be extended in certain situations.

There is no age limit for disabled students.

Etudassur offers 3 multi-risk home insurance policies: the CROUS policy at €2.50 per month, which includes the minimum cover required, the “Essentielle” policy (€4.15 per month) and the “XXL” policy (€5.30 per month).

It’s best to choose an insurer that specialises in home insurance for students and is 100% online, such as Etudassur, the CROUS home insurance expert.

All CROUS accommodation is eligible for the student APL.

The monthly rent starts at €200 for a 9 m2 room.

A rental contract lasts between 10 and 12 months (with the possibility of giving notice to leave on 30 June in a university residence).

Over 100,000 students and young professionals insured